Wednesday, August 25, 2021

First Day of 2nd Grade

 Ramsey's first day of Second Grade.  HOW did this happen?!?!  I thought Kindergarten was a weird and fast jump.  Holy cow!

For the first time, he didn't want to be a "miner" when he grows up.  He said he wanted to be "a stock trader like Daddy"; he wants to "sit in the chair and 'get that money'!".  Oye.
It was still kind of dark when we were outside taking pictures. I really had to lighten the pics up!
He had to change shorts after spilling stuff on the red ones.  Oh well.  Had to rush for the bus then!
Bill the Bus Driver picked him up at 6:55 AM on Tuesday, August 24th for Day 1 of Second Grade.
Poor Jango had no idea what the heck was going on that day.  He whimpered and whined and would wander off throughout the house, seemingly looking for Ramsey.   His buddy was missing!
We were all very excited to see Ramsey (at 12:45PM) and to hear about his first day (technically a half day).

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