Monday, August 30, 2021

Visit From Grandpa Orin & Grandma Judi

 Due to COVID and a few other issues, we hadn't seen Dad and Judi for a few YEARS.  Crazy!  They made the 1200 mile trek to our neck of the woods recently to visit us, plus some of Dad's lifelong friends. 

We decided that Sunday was a perfect day to use the pontoon for the first time, so we met up with them at the spillway.
The weather had been rainy and not-so-nice.  But, Sunday... it was amazing!  There was a very light wind and it was in the 70s.
We tooled around the lake for about an hour and a half.
Eric asked Ramsey if he wanted to be Boat Captain.  Ramsey wasn't so sure.  He didn't want to try the horn even.
But, once he did try the horn, he tried it again and again (and again).  Sorry neighbors!
Once we got back home, we feasted and had ice cream for desert.
And, of course a lot of hugs!
Ramsey donned Grandpa Orin the "Master Storyteller".  Grandpa was even upgraded to Grand Master Storyteller and eventually Legendary Storyteller.  

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