Friday, August 27, 2021

Second Day of 2nd Grade

 Day 1 of Second Grade (a half day) went fabulous!  His second day... just as good!  He still loves school and is excited to be there and to learn.  And, by his own account, he didn't get into any trouble (he says he wants to be a good student and learn - and, also doesn't want to lose his Kindle privileges! ha!).

Here's a picture of Ramsey's class.  There are two second grades at this elementary school.  Ramsey is just behind the "Welcome" lettering.  His little head is peeking up over top and he's holding his ears (guessing all of the kids were being loud and getting a little crazy).  ;-) 
Ramsey sent us this picture from his day at school.  "I love second grade", it says.  I was so happy to see that!  I wasn't, however, overly pleased to see his poor chapped lips.  Good grief!  More Carmex required.

When he returned, he insisted that we play Hide & Seek; he had a surprise for me.   Once I found the item, this is what it was- a letter he'd written at school.

"Mom, I love you.  When the sky is bright, you make it brighter.  I've learned a lot."  (awww!!)
On the back, it reads, "Note: If you found this, you are a master at Hide and Seek!!!"

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