Monday, August 23, 2021

School Open House

 If you talked to Ramsey this summer, you probably already know he was NOT eager to go back into the classroom (after being sent to school-at-home in March of 2020 due to COVID then virtual learning all last year).    He wanted to stay put - at home with Mom and Dad and Jango. 

On First Day of School Eve, the school hosted an open house.  Kids and parents were invited to see the children's new homerooms, meet the teachers, and bring the [boatload of] school supplies on their lists.

When Ramsey and I arrived (Eric was just getting back from his road trip to Webster and Madison), there was a hustle and bustle of a ton of K-5 students and their folks, ready to bolt through the doors to see their new digs.   

Once we arrived in Ramsey's second grade classroom, we met his teachers, Mrs. Hermansen (main teacher) and Mrs. Wilkinson (student teacher, who's wrapping up her degree this year).  We spoke mostly to Mrs. W while we unpacked Ramsey's supply sacks.  

Once Ramsey saw some of his old classmates (some new ones also), his eyes lit up light a Christmas tree and he seemed enamoured with going back to school.  I was so happy that his outlook had changed!
We left the school more joyful and ready to start off the new school year! 

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