Saturday, August 14, 2021

Puppy Poop Duty (Doodie?!?!)

 HA! Pardon the pun... can't help myself.

So.... is it wrong to laugh (a little too much) when your 7-year-old is on "puppy poop duty" and is grimmacing profusely?    Teach 'em young, I always say!  haha!

During his very first time doing this particular "character-building" chore, he was a good sport about it.  He complained once that it smelled bad, but then just bucked up and got it done!  Two buckets full of Jango skat.  Yikes! 

I did order him a formal "pooper scooper" which he'll be able to use in future endeavors.

It's strange... when you don't live on a ranch or farm, childhood chores are completely different! 

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