Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Dog Poop Duty

 Doggy poop doodie (pardon the pun!) for little Ramsey.  Am I a horrible mother for laughing [too much] at this???

That nose plug though!!!

I reminded him that us farm kids did a LOT of poop-scooping.  It builds character!  

At one point, he did state that he's "not in the mood for picture-taking right now."  🤣  Incidentally, that was right after Jango dropped a fresh one (right next to him) while he was picking up the other piles.

After scooping up about the third or fourth pile, he took the nose plug off and realized that it wasn't quite as bad as he'd thought.   And, within a few minutes, the job was done and he'd earned a little cash.  

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