Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Family Photos

 Because Connor would be moving (probably permanently!) out of the house and would be gone, only to visit during holidays and little getaways (*insert very sad face here*), it was definitely time to have a family photo session.  

We had a new photographer this year and she was wonderful!  I like to spread the love when it comes to using photographers, but she will be getting more calls back from us.

When the photographer sent the set back, she sent them in color and also black & white.   There were hundreds of photos and I knew that she hadn't sent a tenth of what she took.  I was surpised, as the package we chose stated we'd get 25 photos and ended up with over 200!  Between the color and colorless photos, I couldn't decide which I liked best, so here are a small mix of both, interspersed throughout. 

This one of the boys is definitely one of my faves!!!
And... my favorites of the boys...    If there's a tree around during family photos, Connor finds it... and climbs it like a monkey.    It's like a tradition now to get pictures of his climbing escapades!
Love this bunch so much.  😍😘🥰💕💖💝

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