Wednesday, September 21, 2022

SOARing Student

 Today, Ramsey came home from school with an extra pep in his step.  When he pulled out his school folder, he showed us that he'd received a SOAR slip for doing a great job with his at-home reading assignments.   And, he was also chosen to be the next week's "Lincoln Light of the Week" at school.

For the Lincoln Light, he was asked to fill out an "About Me" coloring sheet to be displayed at school.
Last week, he brought home his MAPs testing scores for Reading.  He was in the 99th percentile!  Way to go, Ramsey!!!   Our school doesn't complete MAPs testing for math (yet), but I would be curious how he would do there, as math is another one of his strong subjects. 

With a score of 226 in Reading, Ramsey could be in a Gifted program.  Unfortunately, our school does not have one.   🙁
All children have their strengths and weaknesses.  Ramsey may not be the most amazing soccer player, but he's a very bright and precocious little boy. 🥰

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