Saturday, September 10, 2022

Soccer, Parks, & Walks

Ramsey and I had a rather active day.  It started out with a 9AM soccer game.  It was a little CHILLY, so we layered up on the clothing.  Br br brrrrrrrr!

Ramsey wasn't a super hustler this game, so I didn't get action shots.  😂  (Funny, not funny.)
Regardless, after the game, we stopped at the big park on the way home.  We hadn't been to this particular park for quite some time.  It's probably the best one (or second best one) in town.  
We had fun.  I made him dizzy and a little woozy on the merry-go-round.  😁   I also made myself a little dizzy and woozy in the process.
There's a fun little riddle panel on one of the climbers.  The braille lettering is on the back, so we worked together to solve the riddles.
After lunch, we apparently still had energy to burn, so Ramsey and I took Jango on the walking trail near the house.   I'm slower, I guess, so the two little turkeys were always well ahead of me.
I found their togetherness to be awfully sweet though.
And... we had to stop for a selfie on the point.
And take pics from the scenic view.
Doh!  ...must have the scimitar sword in the picture too!
Cheers to the nearly-autumn days that are upon us.  

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