Thursday, December 12, 2019

2019 Notable Quotes

Ah yes, it is time, once again, for the annual post reiterating a [larger] handful of whacky things that Ramsey has blurted out this year.  We write them down on paper (posted to the fridge for quick additions) and read them all again at the end of the year.
1/7/19:  Eric was driving Ramsey to work. Ramsey was being quiet, which was quite abnormal.
Eric: "Ramsey, what are you thinking about?" 
Without hesitation, Ramsey says, "I wish a nice caterpillar would come to our house!"

1/16/19:  I took Eric's truck to Des Moines for work, thereby leaving my Jeep with Eric.
Ramsey (to Eric): "Holy cripes!  First, Mommy marries you a long time ago... and now she steals your car!"
1/29/19: Ramsey (randomly and out of nowhere): "I just can't understand it.  I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE forks!"

2/3/19: Ramsey got a new 4" Star Wars character which has a small removable helmet.  While playing with all of his Star Wars guys, he removed the tiny helmet and placed it on his pinky finger.  He walked over to Eric, stuck his finger in the air, and, straight-facedly stated, "Surrender... to the pee pee of pain!"
2/26/19: On the way to preschool....
Ramsey: "Daddy, is God's Mom still alive?"
Eric explains to him that God doesn't have a mommy or a daddy... that God was the Alpha and Omega.  He explained that Jesus had a mom and a dad.
Ramsey: "WHAT?!?!  Are you saying God just popped out in heaven?!?!"

2/28/19:  Eric driving Ramsey to preschool...
Ramsey: "Corbin needs to find God!"
Eric (puzzled): "Why?!?!"
Ramsey: "..because he acts naughty in school.  He hasn't found God or Jesus...either of them!"
(We remind Ramsey that sometimes he is naughty too!! lol)
4/5/19:  While we were getting ready in the morning...
Ramsey: "Mom, why do I have to do SOOOOO many things?!?!"
Me: "That's life, sweetie."
Ramsey: "I have to put on my clothes.  I have to put on my socks.  I have to put on my shoes.  I have to brush my teeth.  ...SOO many things more than you!"    

4/6/19:  Connor's prom was this evening.  Ramsey also dressed up with a white bowtie and suspenders, fancy red pants, etc.  After we got home from watching the Grand March and seeing Connor and Emily...
Me: "Ramsey, you looked so handsome!"
Ramsey: "I know!  All the girls fall in love with me!!"

Ramsey: "Mom, what's that kind of shirt you're wearing?"
Me: "A cardigan."
Ramsey: "Cardigans kind of look like 'nit wit shirts'!"
(I realized later that "nit wits" are characters from Minecraft.)

5/9/19:  At night/prayer time.
Ramsey: "Dear God, thank you for my dear sweet Mommy.  She's such a delight!!!"  

6/18/19:   At bedtime/prayer time.
"Thank you God for our house.  It's filled with love and excitement!"

Ramsey: "Where's Connor?"
Eric: "He's downstairs, calling people to try to get someone to cover his work shift."
Ramsey: "I'll work for him!"
Eric: "You can't.  You're going to be with us at the cabin."
Ramsey: "Awww, I'm just a useless kid!!!"
7/1/19:  At bedtime.
Ramsey: "God made everything in 100 days.  On the 10th day, he made cars.  Then, later he made trampolines.  Then, hammers so we can fix stuff!"
He then proceeded with at least a 5 minute soliloquy on this topic.  ;-)

7/1/19:  At bedtime, as I am leaving his room.
Ramsey: "Mom!  Don't go!  I have something to say to you.  It's in Spanish!"
Me: "What, honey?"
Ramsey: "Nala nito!"
Me:  "What does that mean?"
Ramsey: "It means, 'Hey, stay here and sleep with me!'"
7/25/19:   At bedtime.
Ramsey: "Mommy, thank you for all the things you do for me.  Thanks for all the wonderful things that make my heart EXPLODE!!!"
....30 seconds later: "EXPLODE with TNT!!!"

I was wearing a very bright shade of lipstick.
Ramsey: "Mom, I love your new lipstick! You look so pretty!  You look like a real woman now!!"

8/27/19:  Ramsey's 2nd day of school... talking about his day at the kitchen counter.
Me: "What did you do at recess today?"
Ramsey: "I played the solitary wandering game.:
Me: "What's that?"
Ramsey: "I just walked around by myself."
Me:   :-(     (feeling heartbroken)
He did later on to tell me that he played with some new friends at other recesses that day.

9/15/19:  At bedtime.
Ramsey: "God is an EPIC magician.  I just love his magic!!"

Me: "Does anyone else at school like the 'Pineapple Pen Song'?"
Ramsey: "Porter does.  He's a 'conflict manager'."
Eric:  "How do you know he is?  Did he tell you?"
Ramsey:  "I just know."

11/8/19.  On the way to school, driving down West Shore Drive, Ramsey was looking out the window.
Ramsey: "I can't believe what I am seeing right now!  I'm going to keep looking at this until you tell me not to!"
Eric: "What are you looking at?"
Ramsey: "It looks like a long string in the sky."
Eric (seeing his point of focus): "That's a contrail, made by a jet airplane.
Ramsey: "Oh... I thought it was where a rainbow used to be!"

11/17/19:  Preface: On the way home driving from Pierre, Ramsey and Daddy were practicing the national anthem (Ramsey is obsessed with the song).  That evening, while Ramsey was in bed, Eric hears (on the monitor), Ramsey singing the national anthem.
Ramsey sang, "What so proudly we hailed...".  Then, pausing, "Oh no, I forgot the next line. I gotta call Donald Trump!"

11/27/19:  At bedtime.
Ramsey: "Mom, use 'he' or 'she' in a sentence."   
I proceeded to use the word "he".
Ramsey: "Now I will use 'she' in a sentence.  'I have the sweetest Mommy in the world.  She is so pretty and beautiful like a blooming flower!"   He paused, then continued, "Mom, write that down and put it at your desk.  Then, when you are feeling sad, you can look at it and it will make you happy!"
Me: (gushing and choking up!  My cup runneth over!)
12/5/19: Watching FOX News on TV, as they are discussing Pete Buttigieg (Democrat running for presidential nomination).
Ramsey: "Pete Booty-Judge"
Me (laughing): "Ramsey, his name is pronounced 'boo-ta-judge.'"
Ramsey: "I know, I just call him 'Booty-Judge."
Me: (laughing harder)  "Ramsey, that was funny!"
Ramsey: "Yes, but also very inappropriate!"

12/11/19:  Waking up in the morning.
Me: "Ramsey, you shouldn't wear your glasses to bed.   Why did you do that?"
Ramsey: "Because I wanted to have better dreams!"

12/16/19:  Family Movie Night: "A Dog's Journey"
Me: (bawling my butt off)
Ramsey: 'Mom, do you need a kiss or can you calm yourself?!?!"
Me:  "I'm OK...."
Later me, bawling AGAIN: "Ramsey, I need a kiss!!"
Ramsey, rushing to me: "OK!  Here, I will give you a bonus hug too!  Kiss, hug, kiss, hug... that's a 'love pattern'!"

Later that night, while saying prayers.
Ramsey: "Dear God, thank you for my family... and my friends... and my house." He pauses and looks at me and says, "Mom, I have everything I need, right here at home.  I love you."

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