Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Holiday Decorating

Hands-down, bar-none, Christmas time is my FAVORITE time of the year.  Is it hectic and chaotic?  Yes.  Is it freezing cold?  Yup.    But... it's just so wonderful and magical.   And, I have an addiction to decorating the house.   If I don't put the breaks on it, we could be soon looking at adding a Santa/Christmas toilet seat cover and shower curtain.  (Hmm... not really a terrible idea.  ha!)
But seriously, December is festive and enlightening to our soul as we reflect on how grateful we are for all that God has given us.   We are thankful for the gift of Jesus' birth, which is the "reason for the season".    Gift-giving and baking and spending special time with our family are all wonderful spin-offs of the joys of Christmas.
I'm going to keep adding to this blog post... cuz I can't stop decorating!!!
I think I need to make a few MORE of these!!
The happy find this year: A sweet and simple nativity scene (been wanting one for eons!).
High and low... there's red, green, and gold.
...might be about time for a new wreath!
GOTTA have the mistletoe!
 And.... the "piece de resistance":  the owl Ramsey made in art class a few weeks ago out of pine cones, fluff, and feathers.   The poor little guy lost an eye on the way home.

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