Thursday, December 19, 2019

Homemade Holiday "Spa" Gifts

I usually make some homemade "spa" gifts for friends and the gals at Eric's workplace.  This year, it was a bit of a scramble to get them made in time.  The state of my kitchen as been chaotic to say the very least!  I had to make the easiest ones possible, as I wasn't able to spend a lot of time over a hot stove, concocting crazy goodies like a mad scientist.

So... this year, I made two of my favorites (coffee, oatmeal, and cinnamon exfoliating powder plus pumpkin spice sugar scrub) - and something new; a whipped honey, coconut oil, and brown sugar body/face scrub.  Yum!
 Eric handed out all of the jars on Wednesday.  I was really hoping there'd be a few spares he could bring back to ME.  But, there wasn't.   Rats!
 Funny story:   Eric calls me on Tuesday from work.  He asks me if I ever sent "spicy applesauce" with him for Christmas presents in the past.   I had only ever made the homemade spa gifts and various types of candy.  The only thing I could think of is that, a few years ago, I had made a cinnamon, gingerbread, and sugar exfoliating body scrub.
He said that a colleague (I won't mention Dar's name here - oops) found a jar of this in his pantry the other day.  He said he grabbed an old bagel out of the fridge and schmeared some of the "spicy applesauce" onto the bagel.  He and his wife ate it.    They ATE my gingerbread sugar scrub!!  Ha! (I'm wondering what happened to the label.  Hmm)   Good thing it is all natural stuff (olive oil, raw sugar, and spices).   I guess it had a long shelf life.  And, apparently it didn't taste too bad.   ;-)

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