Friday, December 6, 2019

Ramsey's Winter Concert

As Ramsey gets older, his "firsts" are so much fewer and farther in between.  Today was his first "Winter" concert at his primary school.
He's been in the Christmas spirit for weeks, humming and singing Christmas tunes - and practicing his school concert songs.
The K-5 classes gave two performances; one morning and one afternoon.
We almost couldn't see Ramsey, as he was in the front row, right behind the rolling cart with the audio.
They sang "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Jingle Bell Stomp".
Nana and Bumpa drove down and Eric and I were there.  He had a nice little cheering section!

The next evening (and all weekend long, incidentally), the local cable TV channel played reruns of the program.   Ramsey seemed to enjoy watching himself on TV, plus the other grades that he hadn't had the opportunity to watch.

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