Monday, December 23, 2019

Christmas Up North

This year, our "Christmas Up North" was the weekend before Christmas.
The kids played for a short time and the adults visited for a bit.  But, we didn't waste much time getting down to business; present-opening.
No one is spoiled here, right?!?!?!  ;-) 
It's unbelievable how these kid are growing!
After receiving an enormous load of amazing gifts and ate a yummy supper, Eric and the kids sat down for a fun game of "What Do You Meme?"   Everyone is dealt a set of cards.  Each round, there is a new picture displayed on an easel.  You have to pick from your cards (which have verbiage on them) to see which one best suits the picture, thereby creating a meme.
 Then, there's voting on who has the best saying to go with the picture, but who placed each verbiage card for the meme is undisclosed.
 Eric and Sadie were in cahoots, to see if they could figure out which one was Isaac's, thereby allowing Sadie to win.  Eric used his cunning lie-detection skills!
We love our time together with the family!

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