Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve Eve

We celebrated Christmas Eve a day early this year, as Connor would be at his Mom's place for the actual day.  
Connor picked Nana Karen up and we all got together for the usual Christmas Eve pizza and gift-opening.
 Of course, Eric waited until the very last minute to wrap his gift.  ;-)
Then Connor and Ramsey handed out the nicely-wrapped boxes and bagged presents.
 ...and let the fun begin!
 "Beanboozled" jelly bean game.  Hmmm... who will be brave enough to play this with Ramsey?!?!
 Ramsey got a personalized book from Great Aunt Nancy... which featured him and his puppy Riggs.  Nana read it to him right away!
 And then he read it to Riggsy. 
 I guess the present-opening became exhausting!  ha!
(Maybe it was more like the picking-up-all-of-the-wrapping-paper that was tiring.)
 Stocking hats with LED lights!
 Then, it was play time!
Connor's "big present" was an Oculus Quest virtual realty system.
Watching the boys play for the first time was amusing.  :-)

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