Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmas Baking

Holiday baking and cooking.  It takes a long time and it makes a person's feet and back ache!  But, I love it.  And, Ramsey loves [some of] it too.

Day 1:   Butter braids, homemade caramel and Cinnabon-esque frosted rolls, English toffee.
Plus, a big pot of gumbo, rice, a pork roast, mashed potatoes (to live off for a few days!).
Ramsey was nuts about the cream cheese frosting for the rolls.
 Day 2 (after church/weekend errands): Dozens of sugar cookies with royal icing and chocolate-covered honeycomb candy.  ...not gonna lie, piping/frosting the cookies took a lot longer than I'd thought!
 Ramsey is starting to get more creative and he wanted to dig into the frosting part.  He liked back-filling/flooding the piped parts.
 And, he liked the ol "schmear technique" as well.  ...just slather it on there, buddy!
 I even let him loose with the piping bag!!
 He basically made a mound of squiggles.  I had to cut him off; it was getting to be a mountain!
 And, the sprinkles... LOTS and LOTS of sprinkles.  I find it ironic how much he loves to dump sprinkles on cookies when he HATES to eat them (the sprinkles, definitely NOT the cookies!).   When I asked why, he replied, "Mom, because I'm just opposite ok?!"
 Some of the large batch of cookies:  I didn't have enough red food coloring (whoops). 
At one point, I was so tired of standing and meticulously piping/frosting, that I basically "gave up" and just piped squiggles (left side cookies).  They're going to taste fine, so who cares what they look like?!?!?
The toffee (yum!):
Eric "called me out" for going a little more bananas than usual; he said he knew I was doing it so I could break in my new KitchenAid mixer!  He caught me (I needed to test out the dough hook!)
 The honeycomb candy (made specifically for my mother-in-law!), pre-chocolate dip:
 And, post-dip:
Yet to make:  Mini cheesecakes with lemon curd topping and raspberry coulee (for Eric's police department potluck and awards ceremony), homemade caramels, and maybe some ooey gooey caramel corn (with pecans?!).
Then... pants.... I may need to buy larger pants.  :-/

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