Sunday, December 5, 2021

Birthday Bowling

 I can't believe I'm saying this (it sounds ridiculous), but, until yesterday, Ramsey had never... been... bowling.  *Shriek!*   Yes, I know, we're terrible parents.    Moving on...

It was our friend Ashton's 10th birthday party and we were all invited to the bowling alley to play the lanes and have pizza and cake.   Fun!

All of the kids were SO excited.  The place got wild and noisy!
At the end of THIS video, Ramsey was so excited, he did a "DAB".  And, dingy ME... I cut the video off just as he was doing it.  It was too funny!  Rats.
More attempts:
The weather that day had gone to the dogs, with wet snow coming down with no wind to blow it away.  Driving to and fro was a dicey event, but we made it.

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