Thursday, December 9, 2021

Christmas Concert at School

 Christmas Concert day at school - yay!   Here's how Ramsey left the house, looking all spiffy.

And, here's him, after recess, ready for Concert #1 (AM performance).  Oye.  LOL!
Silly picture (taken by Mrs H):
Sweet picture:
There were two performances; one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Both were live-streamed this year to account for out-of-town family who couldn't attend (or for those who are still concerned about COVID).   I attended the afternoon version.   Unfortunately, Eric was sick and could not attend.

The first song the kids sang was called "Dancer and Prancer" and had cute little actions.  I really should have recorded this one - it was soooo good!
And, the second song was called "Christmas Christmas"
The kids also split up into three groups and did some Irish dancing. It was fun... I love Celtic music!  

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