Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day.... all were very sluggish and slow to get up.  But, once motivated, Ramsey was the first to dive in to open presents.

Santa gave him books and Star Wars figures, pop-its, and fidgets.
Connor, while eating the entire time (haha), got mostly candy and some clothes.
And Ramsey found the Christmas Pickle.
Good fortune for a year plus a chocolate bar.  Not shabby.  He did share some of his chocolate with Big Brubby.
Jango got a stuffed fox.  Sidenote: The last one lasted a month or so. This one lasted about an hour before it was out of commission and already in the garbage can.  :-(      It's a "KONG" toy... which are supposed to be indestructable!!
Afterwards, while I cooked in the kitchen, Ramsey opened up his Legos he got for Christmas.  He kept me company.

The table was set.

Jango could smell the food and was waiting for us to give him something.  He got some leftover treats, once we were done.  Good ol' prime rib!

And... back to Legos....
After that... the boys stayed up LATE, gaming on the X-Box.

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