Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Special Christmas Pictures

 Let's face it, the time isn't slowing down.  In fact, it just keeps slipping away, quicker and quicker all the time.    So... before Ramsey grows up and gets too big for my antics and special requests (you know, bow ties and fun hats), this is the year, I decided, to splurge and have some adorable professional Christmas pictures taken.  

I was [barely!] able to book a Christmas session with an extremely talented photographer in a nearby town, Ms. Jamie Simon.   I'd always seen her pictures on Facebook and I coveted pictures of Ramsey from her studio.

After first meeting Jamie, it seemed like I'd known her forever and we were instant friends!    
She was fun and warm and sweet... and she thought Ramsey was the coolest.  :-)
She had so many amazing backdrops to choose from.  We hit most of them.    I couldn't WAIT to see the pictures.  And, luckily, my wait was only a few days!
I took along a TON of sweaters, bowties, and accessories.  But, Jamie had a plethora of amazing items for children to wear also.  We snagged this vest and matching tie for the Nutcracker shots.
I asked for a few pics with me in them too.... "Mommy and Me" photos.
These pictures will be wonderful mementos in time.  You know, when I'm old and greyer, in my rocking chair, remembering memories and "the good old days".
Among the myriad of clothing changes I threw in Ramsey's backpack, I also took along my beloved copy of The Velveteen Rabbit.  That book has such sentimental value to me and I love the meaning of it... the metaphorical message is just amazing and so real.   It had to be included in our session!
That, I hope that Ramsey will always remember how much I love to read to him... and have always read to him, almost every night since he was teeny tiny.
They're all so amazing, I can't decide which one I like the best!  But, it might be this one:
From there, I was able to make these sweet little pics (thanks to a Photoshop/GIF I bought from Etsy last year).

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