Saturday, August 6, 2022

Jumping Puppy

 Just a post about Jango... a video to show his progress in the dock-jumping realm.   He's gone from a wimpy little stinker, whining and wanting to jump into the water - to flopping in nervously (and seeming to hate it) - to now jumping off the dock like a seasoned pro, not wanting to stop... EVER.

If Ramsey is swimming and Jango is outside playing, they take turns jumping off the dock.  And, neither one of them want to quit.  The only difference is that if Ramsey is tired, he will take a break.   Jango would go forever without a break!  He literally did this for an HOUR before I put the breaks on it.

At the end of the month, there's a charity event at the resort for dock-jumpers.  I think we will need to take him, just for the heck of it!  He may not win, but he'll sure love it.

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