Thursday, August 4, 2022

Lake Life

 Ramsey loves swimming.   I love swimming!  I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to chilly lake temps and should really just learn to DIVE IN.  Brrr though!

We've been swimming quite a lot this summer.  Eric, Connor, and I all go swimming with Ramsey, at different times.   Ramsey has gotten so much braver and has stepped out of his comfort zones a lot more this year.  So thankful for that!

He has always loved his lily pad/Maui mat.  But now, he loves to swim with his head submerged and jump off the dock.   The life jacket stays on at ALL times, if we are not in the water to be in direct contact with him. 
We've had some great days for swimming too, with low winds and good hot sun rays.
After swimming (and supper), we all went fishing and pontooning.   Summer will be gone soon and Connor will be back at college.  We're trying to spend as much time together as possible, between all of our duties.
Jango is always curious.  Combine that with an excitement to be on the boat and watch out!
Tonight, Jango was curious about Connor's beer.
We stayed out until the sun went down.  It just doesn't get any better than Mother Nature.... and being together. 

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