Thursday, August 4, 2022


 Meet Panzer, our pumpkin seed fish - the newest addition to the fish family in the "big tank".  He's also elusive to the camera and moves far too quickly to get an amazing picture.

He eats.  A LOT.  And, at first, he was finicky and wouldn't eat tropical fish food.  He'd only eat worms.
He's since loosened up and will eat ANYTHING.  He typically gets worms, thawed from frozen fish, tropical flakes, and any kind of bug we can catch.
But you gotta watch your fingers, as the little stinker jumps up and BITES to get the food.  He just has little tiny teeth, but man, he's a stinker.    
He used to be a bully in the tank, but he's finally settling down.   And, the goldfish are also now eating bugs, fish, and worms (if they can manage to beat Panzer to the punch!)

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