Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Pics from the Teacher

 Day 1 got off to an amazing start for Ramsey at school.  (It was only a half of a day, technically.)

When he got off of the bus at 4PM, he chattered away at how amazing school was, what he learned, classroom rules and opportunities, who he played with at recess, who he saw on the bus, etc.    Success!

This morning, his teacher sent over these pictures of Ramsey and his classmates through the Seesaw app (which has a feature for parents and teachers to message, send pics, etc).   

Ramsey's last teacher was very active on Seesaw and sent lots of pictures and classroom activities.  I think Ms. H is going to also be quite active on the app, which I am very thankful for!

I have to chuckle because after Ramsey read that Ms. H would be his teacher (and that he had some buddies in his class, plus a bully was not! ha!), he said, "Mom, God really did answer my prayers!"  😊🥰

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