Thursday, August 18, 2022

Our Last Day w/Connor in the House

 Well... we knew it was going to happen and the day is finally here.  Connor is moving back to college tomorrow and, more than likely, won't live with us again... just stay during holidays. 😥😭 

I had conference calls during the day, so I had to remain at work.  Jango stayed with me to keep me company.   The boys, however, took the pontoon out and went cranking.   I was rather forelorn and a bit jealous when I'd see them go by.  I was also very happy that they got some nice guy time together.

They fished for a few hours, then reeled the lines in so they could swim from the pontoon.  Ramsey ran from end to end, jumping off the decking.  Eric swan dove and Connor did flips into the water.
When I was done with work, we loaded up and went for "the last supper" (so-to-speak) and ate at the resort Connor worked at this summer.  
There were lots of laughs and smiles.  
These moments are priceless.
Don't stay gone too long, Connor.   We love you!

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